Marble Price in UAE

Marble, a symbol of luxury and elegance, holds a significant place in the architecture and design landscape of the UAE. Known for its stunning appearance and durability, marble is a preferred material for both residential and commercial projects. If you’re considering marble for your next project in the UAE, understanding the marble price in UAE is crucial. This comprehensive guide will take you through everything you need to know about marble price in UAE.

Types of Marble Available in UAE

Local Marble Varieties

The UAE boasts several local marble varieties, each with unique characteristics. Local marbles are often celebrated for their natural beauty and regional heritage. These include:

  • Desert Beige Marble: Known for its sandy hues and subtle patterns, it’s a popular choice for flooring and wall cladding.
  • Emirates Pearl Marble: Featuring a blend of creamy and pearl-like textures, it’s often used in luxury interiors.

Imported Marble Varieties

The UAE market is also rich in imported marble, bringing in exquisite stones from around the world. Popular imported varieties include:

  • Carrara Marble from Italy: Famous for its white background and grey veining, ideal for creating timeless designs.
  • Calacatta Marble: Known for its bold and dramatic veining, it adds a touch of opulence to any space.
  • Turkish Marble: Offering a range of colors and patterns, Turkish marble is versatile and widely used.

Factors Influencing Marble Price in UAE

Quality of Marble

The quality of marble significantly impacts its price. High-quality marble with fewer imperfections and unique patterns commands a higher price.

Origin and Import Costs

Imported marble includes additional costs such as transportation, tariffs, and handling, making it more expensive than locally sourced marble.

Market Demand and Supply

The law of supply and demand plays a crucial role. High demand with limited supply can drive prices up, especially for rare and exotic marbles.

Processing and Finishing Costs

The level of processing, finishing, and customization also affects the price. Polished and intricately designed marbles cost more due to the labor and technology involved.

Average Marble Price in UAE

Price Range for Local Marble

Local marbles are generally more affordable due to reduced transportation and import costs. Prices can range from AED 150 to AED 300 per square meter, depending on the quality and type.

Price Range for Imported Marble

Imported marbles are pricier, ranging from AED 300 to AED 1000 per square meter. Exclusive varieties like Calacatta and Statuario can even exceed this range.

Cost Comparison: Local vs. Imported Marble

Benefits of Local Marble

  • Cost-Effective: Lower transportation costs make local marble more affordable.
  • Support Local Industry: Purchasing local marble supports regional businesses and craftsmanship.

Advantages of Imported Marble

  • Diverse Choices: Access to a wide range of colors, patterns, and qualities.
  • Prestige and Luxury: Imported marble often brings an element of exclusivity and sophistication.
Popular Marble Suppliers in UAE

Overview of Marblewale

Marblewale is a leading marble supplier in the UAE, known for its extensive range of high-quality marbles and exceptional customer service.

Other Notable Suppliers

Several other suppliers contribute to the vibrant marble market in the UAE, offering both local and imported varieties. However, Marblewale stands out for its reliability and superior product range.

Marblewale: Your Trusted Marble Supplier

Company Background

Established with a vision to provide top-notch marble, Marblewale has built a reputation for quality and trust over the years.

Product Range and Quality

From classic whites to exotic greens, Marblewale offers a diverse portfolio catering to different tastes and requirements.

Customer Testimonials

Satisfied customers vouch for Marblewale’s commitment to quality and service. Positive reviews highlight their professionalism and product excellence.

How to Choose the Right Marble for Your Project

Consider Your Budget

Determine your budget and explore options within that range. Marblewale offers both premium and affordable choices to suit different financial plans.

Assess the Quality

Examine the marble for uniformity, veining, and color consistency. High-quality marble enhances the aesthetic and longevity of your project.

Match with Design Aesthetics

Select marble that complements your design vision. Whether it’s for flooring, countertops, or decorative elements, the right marble can transform your space.

Tips for Getting the Best Marble Deals

Buy in Bulk

Purchasing in bulk often comes with discounts, making it a cost-effective option for large projects.

Look for Seasonal Discounts

Marble suppliers like Marblewale occasionally offer seasonal discounts and promotions. Keep an eye out for these deals.

Negotiate Prices

Don’t hesitate to negotiate. Suppliers may offer better prices, especially for large orders or loyal customers.

Marble Maintenance and Care

Cleaning Tips

Regular cleaning with mild, pH-neutral cleaners keeps marble surfaces looking pristine. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the stone.

Sealing and Polishing

Seal your marble to protect it from stains and spills. Polishing helps maintain its shine and enhances its natural beauty.

Preventing Damage

Use mats and coasters to prevent scratches and etching from heavy objects and acidic substances.

Sustainable Marble Options

Eco-friendly Marble Choices

Opt for marbles quarried with sustainable practices. Marblewale offers eco-friendly options that minimize environmental impact.

Recycling and Reusing Marble

Consider repurposing old marble for new projects. Recycled marble is not only cost-effective but also environmentally responsible.

Future Trends in the UAE Marble Market

Emerging Marble Varieties

New and exotic marble varieties are continually entering the market, offering fresh design possibilities.

Technological Advancements in Marble Processing

Innovations in processing and finishing techniques are enhancing the quality and affordability of marble.

FAQs About Marble Pric in UAE

1. What factors affect marble price in UAE?

Marble price are influenced by quality, origin, market demand, and processing costs.

2. Is local marble cheaper than imported marble?

Yes, local marble is generally more affordable due to lower transportation and import costs.

3. How can I get the best deal on marble?

Buying in bulk, looking for seasonal discounts, and negotiating prices can help you get the best deal.

4. What is the average cost of marble in the UAE?

Local marble ranges from AED 150 to AED 300 per square meter, while imported marble ranges from AED 300 to AED 1000 per square meter.

5. How do I maintain my marble surfaces?

Regular cleaning, sealing, and polishing are essential to maintain the beauty and durability of marble surfaces.


Understanding the marble price in UAE requires considering various factors such as quality, origin, and market dynamics. Whether you choose local or imported marble, making an informed decision ensures that you get the best value for your investment. Companies like Marblewale offer a wide range of options and expert guidance to help you find the perfect marble for your project. With the right choice, your space can reflect the elegance and timeless beauty that marble brings.

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